Friday, December 17, 2010


What is tablature? Tablature, tab for short, is a form of musical notation with an emphasis on fingerings rather than traditional notation. Tablature is commonly used for fretted instruments.

Tablature reading is used most often by novice musicians. The problem with tablature is that it doesn't indicate note length or duration. This is where understanding note values will help as most tablature is written below standard notation.

Tablature is a closer visual representation of your guitar fretboard, thereby making it easier to interpret music. It virtually doesn't require any training to become quite good at reading it.

Tablature takes the guess work out of which fret to play chords or notes. Standard notation has often left this a gray area but in some cases will indicate frets by placing roman numerals below the staff.

Below is a sample of what guitar tablature looks like and how to read it. Some key points to remember are that tablature will be read upside down in comparison to how the strings are on your guitar. If you remember, your strings read from top to bottom EADGBE. Tablature reads from top to bottom EBGDAE.

The chords E, F, and G:



Each of the single columns represents a chord fingering. The G string is pressed in the 1st fret and the D and A strings are pressed in the 2nd fret. One problem with tablature is that it doesn't indicate correct finger positions for the chords. Correct finger positions are essential as we move into barre chords, commonly known as power chords used in most music.

If you begin reading tablature instead of notation, you'll find yourself able to get through a piece more quickly, but limited in many other ways as tablature lacks musical structure that makes a song beautiful and dynamic.

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